liturgy, art, and culture


Waka Waka

After fours years of waiting, the World Cup has returned. I love this event and everything that it stands for. Sportsmanship, Unity, Peace. For me, there is something amazing about the fact that competing in the same tournament is North Korea, South Korea, and the United States. There is something special about watching countries from the third world run with (and often beat) the wealthy, civilized empires of the West. What I love about the World Cup is that for one month all that matters is sport and the spirit of competition. As the tournament progresses I plan to offer a greater summary of why I believe in events such as the World Cup along with how I think they could contribute to global peace and how the Church should follow suit. For now, lets just enjoy the game and the festivities of the beginning. Lets also pray that the Yanks come marching in and beat the Brits tomorrow! Ole!

These are my projected winners of the group stage with the 1 seeds listed first:

Group A: France , Uruguay // nothing too surprising here

Group B: Argentina , Greece // this might be the group from hell and the hardest to advance out of. I pick Argentina as the favorite and would like to see Greece give their people something to take their minds of the current economical and political instability

Group C: England , USA // After upsetting (via tie) the Brits this Saturday, the Americans move on.

Group D: Australia, Germany // I do believe that both Germany and Australia will advance from this group. Placing Australia in the higher seed might be a stretch...

Group E: Netherlands, Cameroon // Netherlands are a given, Cameroon wins a couple nail bitters and squeaks in.

Group F: Italy, Slovakia // Predictable.

Group G: Brazil, Ivory Coast // Would love to see Portugal and Ivory Coast advance however its difficult to bet against the best team in the World. IC is my long shot Cinderella in this and injuries might prevent their advancement however what a great story that would be!

Group H: Spain, Switzerland // Spain is sick and the Swiss are as efficient and organized as ever. What more could we expect from the country that made Calvinism legit...?

So what are your picks? Who will advance from the group stage? Who will win the 2010 World Cup?


Out of Chaos

I think it is only human to try and avoid chaos. We are all, in some way control freaks. We tend to like things if they are nice and neat and have a clear ending or at least a clear path to take in order to reach an ending. We consider such things that are certain to be good and those that are uncertain or messy to be bad and to be avoid at all cost. I think this is probably why self help books are such a big hit. It would seem appropriate the give most self help books a sub title something like “how to avoid chaos” or “how to beat chaos” or “how to emerge out of chaos”

The reality is that no matter how much we try to avoid chaos in this life, we fail. Chaos is all around us. How often do we hear stories of those who eat right and workout everyday only to get cancer anyway. Or maybe that couple that are great stewards of their money and save responsibly only to get hit with heavy medical cost when the baby is born, have the car breakdown and the basement flood all in the same month. Even the noble efforts of humanitarian organizations often seem to be in vain as injustice in this world continues to rage and every battle won marks the beginning thousands more. How are we to live in such a world? How do we reconcile the chaos that is a fact in this life with the idea of a loving God that we read about in the bible?

I have been fascinated with what we can learn about God in just the first few verses of Genesis. We have already discuss that “in the beginning there was God.” God was before all things and is the source of everything that we see. What blows me away is the next thing we learn. “God created.” Isn’t that amazing!?

What blows me away about the image of God creating the heavens and the earth is that until this moment in history, everything was chaos. It is out of the chaos that God decided to open his month and create everything that we see. God is in the business of bringing order out of chaos. When things seem out of control and life seems to be “formless and void,” I think that it is in that same moment that God is diligently working to bring about a new creation out of the chaos.

As leaders we are often looked at as those with all the answers or those that have risen above chaos. I think that while we have often been entrusted with a great deal of vision or direction, we should lead in a way that reveals God is continually taking the chaos of all our lives or the lives of our organizations and bringing his perfect order. Anytime we think we have risen above the chaos we should watch out, because it is often in the midst of chaos that God is speaking and guiding us down the right path.

“Out of the wreck I will rise.” This declaration given by Oswald Chambers should serve as a reminder to all of us that regardless of how crazy and chaotic our lives may get, we will always rise with our lives and visions renewed when we trust that in that very moment God is at work. Now I’m not advocating that we lead recklessly and intentionally place those in our care into chaos or even that we seek out chaos. I’m not suggesting that we stop attending our leadership seminars or sell our personal development books (I enjoy and actively participate in both of these activities). What I am suggesting is that we recklessly abandon ourselves to God and maintain a relationship with him that acknowledges chaos as one of the means in which he does his work.

A potter uses cold, sloppy, messy clay to create her masterpiece. Sometimes, if we are to find our way, vision, or direction in this live, we must first become lost. We must embrace the chaos trusting that where chaos is present, God will bring his order.

“The earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was moving on the surface of the waters. Then God said...” - Genesis 1:2-3

“Whoever looses his life for my sake will find it” -Jesus (Matthew 16:25b)

“Every now and then I get a little lost
My strings all get tangled, my wires all get crossed
Every now and then I'm right up on the edge
Dangling my toes out over the ledge
I just thank God you're here
'Cause when I'm a bullet shot out of a gun
'Cause when I'm a firecracker comin' undone
Or when I'm a fugitive ready to run, all wild-eyed and crazy
No matter where my reckless soul takes me
Jesus you save me”
-Kenny Chesney (Jesus added)

image: "Chaos at the Heart of Orion" images of the day.