liturgy, art, and culture


revivals and harvest sundays...

so at our staff meeting yesterday i learned that we are planning both a revival and something that is being called a "harvest sunday." i have to be honest, even as a christ follower, i was quickly turned off. my first problem is the idea of trying to produce a revival. the last time i checked, this is the holy spirit's job. if he chooses to stir the hearts of the church on the given dates that is great however i think its a little stupid to advertise to the community that a revival is coming at a set time and place. not only this, the word revival isn't a biblical word. try to find it, its not there. i think advertising for a revival is about as effective as placing signs all over town telling people to come to out and learn how terrible they are and how much they don't fit in at our church.

our harvest sunday also cracks me up. we are having a "visitation blitz" which is exactly that, visitation. yet another out dated and ineffective attempt to get people to come to church. the harvest sunday is supposed to be the fruits of our visitation blitz however when i asked what the mornign service would look like i was told "just like any other service." guess i had better prepare for another sunday of southern gospel music and irrelevant teaching. if i was unchurched or a none beleiver and was invited to this, it would almost be an insult. if there was ever a time to create a seeker friendly enviroment where everyone in muscle shoals would feel comfortable, this is breaks my heart.

i can't stand to see potential in something that could change the world that refuses to do so. how long as christians will we continue to cater to ourselves, to what we prefere, or to what pays the bills. we have forgotten about those who do not know christ. we have created country club churches that are as exclusive as the golf club down the street. how long will this last? please pray for a change. the spirit is willing but the flesh is ever so weak.



last night we played the Rob Bell nooma "rain" at underground 412. the kids really seemed to enjoy the different pace and it was obvious that God used the production to speak to their hearts. it was a great reminder that while storms in this life are a given, we have a God who loves us and always knows the way home. on that note, i need to be a little theological. i really don't believe that God wills bad things to happen to us. i do not think God is a divine being who places hardships in our path to see how we react. God is good. God is love. God does not will evil but instead he redeems it. God uses the storms and evils of life to reveal to the world how much he loves us and how he will never leave our side. i'm not sure where you are in life or how you feel about God right now but chew on this for the day...

"do you think anyone is going to drive a wedge between us and Christ's love for us? there is no way! not trouble, not hard times, not hatred, not hunger, not homelessness, not bullying threats, not backstabbing, not even the worst sins. none of this fazes us because Jesus loves us. i am absolutely convinced that nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable can get between us and God's love because of the way Jesus has embraced us." -Romans 8:35-39 msg


UPDATE - high school camp and week 1

well its been a little over a week since i promised a regular updates so here we go...

last week was our high school camp at camp windermere on lake of the ozark, mo. at camp god began to move in our students lives in a powerful way. now we have all been to camps where high emotions and stuffy tradition pressure students to make fake and shallow commitments to christ that are always short lived. this camp was different. for our group, there was no official decision on any kind. there were no cards filled out or numbers sent to nashville (headquarters for the SBC), instead, i feel as if all of our students truly met with god and experienced his grace in a new and powerful way. last week felt real.

last night, we had night where students could share about there camp experience. to my surprise, 3 guys chose to share. its cool to be a part of a group where young guys are the ones standing up and deciding to be leaders. god is up to something here.

keep praying that god works in the lives of the students and members here in muscle shoals. also pray that allison and i have the wisdom and patience to lead this ministry as we are still very much out of our comfort zones especially in the realms of culture and technology.

also, in the future i will post at least every monday and thursday before noon central time. this will let you guys know how our sunday and wednesday night services go.

stay classy blogging world.



a fresh start

this is the first official post on my blog. for almost two years i have teased the blogging world with various post and sites that always started with a bang yet quickly lost my interest. this will be different. this is a fresh start. this fresh start is not only a metaphor for my blog, but also my life. recently, my wife and i have accepted an interim youth pastor job in muscle shoals, alabama. in case your have not heard of muscle shoals, according ot lynard skynard, this is where they have the swampers. muscle shoals is about ten years behind my home town of atlanta, georgia when it comes to the innovations of post-modern ministry which is why this new project is so interesting. i find myself completely out of my comfort zone and as a post-emergent thinker in a traditional southern baptist church setting. while the methods here may not exaclty be our cup of tea, we have quickly fallen in love with the people and are excited to see how God choses to use our experiences in alabama. on this blog, you will hear much about our work in alabama and out life. while both of these are currently in uncharted territory, i am excited to see what God has planned. i hope you like my blog. check back often. i promise the content to come will be much more thought provoking than than what you find yourself reading now.
