liturgy, art, and culture


i'm alive part 2: a new beginning

I just reread my last post from 11.23.2009. Looking back it seems almost prophetic as exactly two months after the post, my wife Allison and I were in a terrible car accident that took the life of the young intoxicated driver that struck us. Although I was reminded of my life that January morning, I was also left feeling dead for many months to come. This pattern has continued until recently where I now find myself facing new possibilities, new inspirations, and even the chance at a new life. While I have failed to maintain several blogs, my mind finds itself flushed with words and I feel the need to allow them to overflow into this blog. Perhaps this will be what motivates me to finally begin that successful blog everyone is urging me to write. I also know that there is a chance that I will like a bottle-rocket launch in a stroke of brilliance only to come to a quick and abrupt stop. There is also a very good chance that I will wake up tomorrow having lost my inspiration in my dreams and wait another 6 months to acknowledge the blogging world. Regardless of the future, this is my part 2 and my chance of a new beginning. We'll call this one atlanta theologica.