liturgy, art, and culture



“In the beginning God...”

In the beginning, there was God. This is a fact that I tend to overlook a lot however I believe whole heartedly that it should be the first thing we think about before we try to do anything. It is so crucial before we begin any new task, attempt to tell any great story or establish any personal ethos that we understand that everything has a beginning and that it is always preceded by the existence of God. In the beginning there was God...Period!

God is before all things. He is before our successes and he is before our failures. When life was formless a void, he was there and while very few of us live life like this, he is still here today in the midst of our own chaos and uncertainty.

Everything finds its being in and through him. This too is a crucial fact that must be understood if we are to truly understand ourselves and our place in this world. There is a God, and everything that is comes from him. If we are to understand our own being, our origins, our nature, and our future, we must first begin with the source and beginning of it all, God.

Wow! This message comes to us from just the first four words in the Bible. It almost seems that when the author of Genesis became caught up in the presence of holy spirit, the first thing that came to mind was the first thing itself, God. Nothing about feelings, or theology, or church government, just God. What if we were all willing to put everything else on the shelf for a little while each day and focus on our own beginnings? What if we were constantly reminded that while we are writing our our story, we all share a common beginning and history, God. His story is our story. His history is our history. God then, God now, God tomorrow. God.

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