liturgy, art, and culture


UPDATE - high school camp and week 1

well its been a little over a week since i promised a regular updates so here we go...

last week was our high school camp at camp windermere on lake of the ozark, mo. at camp god began to move in our students lives in a powerful way. now we have all been to camps where high emotions and stuffy tradition pressure students to make fake and shallow commitments to christ that are always short lived. this camp was different. for our group, there was no official decision on any kind. there were no cards filled out or numbers sent to nashville (headquarters for the SBC), instead, i feel as if all of our students truly met with god and experienced his grace in a new and powerful way. last week felt real.

last night, we had night where students could share about there camp experience. to my surprise, 3 guys chose to share. its cool to be a part of a group where young guys are the ones standing up and deciding to be leaders. god is up to something here.

keep praying that god works in the lives of the students and members here in muscle shoals. also pray that allison and i have the wisdom and patience to lead this ministry as we are still very much out of our comfort zones especially in the realms of culture and technology.

also, in the future i will post at least every monday and thursday before noon central time. this will let you guys know how our sunday and wednesday night services go.

stay classy blogging world.


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